mandag 2. september 2013


This is Feit'n (Fatso). He's a gentle, talkative, playful elderly gentleman who is in serious need of some grooming. He used to have such beautiful coat, but after he was neutered it's just tangles and dreads. Poor baby.
This photo of him didn't turn out too good. He is never still as long as he's getting attention, and me with a camera is attention. He purrs, squirms, turns and talks. Non stop. I know he looks relaxed here, but that's just to fool you guys to get you on his side ;)

Here is his sister Mims. They are from the same litter, so she is an elderly woman. You would never know just looking at her. She is tiny and looks like a kitten. Sweet cat. At least towards the humans and the dog in the family. Towards her mother and her brother, not so much. This change in mood and behaviour happend as a result of being sterilized. I guess sterilization isn't all that. 
I like this picture of her. Wasn't to easy to capture, because she was going to sleep, and had her eyes closed most of the time. I had to try to trick her into opening them, and this is one the few pictures I got. Gorgeous, isn't she?

Dog photos. My Staffy ♥

 This is my dog, Kompis - which means Buddy in English. I like taking pictures of him while he plays with his tire. He uses approx. one tire a year. They're shredded to pieces ;)

 In this one, you can actually see his muscles at work. I like that.

I think these pictures capture the movements quite good.
They're taken during day, in mild sunlight, camera set on ISO100, and 1/250, serial shot.

Photo storage

In addition to storing my photos on my computer (which could actually crash one day), what better than to store it online?
Yeah, I have Drop Box as well, but one likes to share, doesn't one?

I'm merely a beginner in photographing and purchased my first digital camera earlier this summer, and participated in a crash course from Canon, just to learn how the camera works and to get some tips and hints about stuff.
I will take more courses over time, there's so much to learn, so many hints and tips that can make the art of photographing easier. I mean, why climb all the mountains by your self and on your own, when so many people have been there before you, and can guide you to the top. Right? Right.

I think I have an eye for motives. At least I want to believe I do. I will be posting my humble tries here on the blog, and let you guys (whom ever happens to stumble across this blog) be the judges.
I'm a sucker for feed back, so please feed back ;)

Ok, this is me. I hope you'll enjoy your visit enough to re visit as new photos are posted.

Take care now!
